Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What is Truth? Love.

This is a heavy topic that has been covered by many deep thinkers for eons. Today - it is my turn.

I believe in timeless, universal truths. This is contrary to nature in general where flux seems to be the only constant. However, there are truths that are in that mystical zone, such as those that Enlightenment thinkers called 'inalienable' - as in natural born rights. This thought construct of individual rights that is a core part of our US Constitution, exists regardless of what any outside entity says. It is based upon a faith in constructs that live outside of space and time, cannot be put under a microscope, yet are real nonetheless.

There are only a small handful of absolute truths that we currently know about at this point in our evolution, which are not relative but apply to every corner of the multi-verse. These are truths that are beyond facts. Again facts lend themselves to relativity and context. LOVE is the glue or cohesive cosmic element that keeps most creatures evolving toward God's light and is the cornerstone truth of all truths.

You will know real truth using the 3 parts of your current incarnation - Mind, Body & Soul aka the mental, physical and the spiritual. When these 3 aspects of your human-being are in harmony, the truth reveals itself. Your soul has the most wisdom as it has been through many lives already, but the gifts of the physical mind CPU and body machine have power/influence over your free will decision making process (gift). The mind is where your intellect and ego lies and can get help you make great leaps of insight or get you into trouble. The body has its own agenda with the heart battling for the the top of the temple hierarchy with the hormones followed by peptides and a myriad of chemical messengers that all work together to give us homeostasis (smooth working machine). Then there is the spirit or soul that is your conscience or moral compass and most direct connection to God. It exists in all parts of your being but has special relationships with your heart and advanced frontal lobe in you brain. All of these aspects of your being are in sync if something is an absolute truth. Your 6th sense, which is an extension of your physical body's sensitivity to the electro-magnetic field as well as other dimensions not yet understood (Morphic Fields?) - will often act as a quick evolutionary false truth detector as in bad vibrations/vibes. 

Meditate and align/center your being and then you are in the best position to know real cosmic universal truths versus relative facts or straight up bullshit. LOVE is the key to all understanding.

I will not go into a deep explanation of all my thoughts about truth in this blog. I have written about truth in my book that has 800 references/500 links to peruse and go deeper into many heavy and light subjects. http://www.amazon.com/Sto-ology-Metaphysical-Exploration-Human-Condition-ebook/dp/B00L6MFTC0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1408462020&sr=8-1&keywords=sto-ology

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