Sunday, March 18, 2018

#StevenPINKER - ENLIGHTENMENT NOW - Does Progress exist ? Q

While Mr Pinker may be right about these facts and figures that show definite evolution (albeit very slow) - he cherry picks his info and ignores huge disturbing and deadly elephants/gorillas filling up the room of reality - such as nuclear waste (is a proponent of nuclear energy as a way out of Fossil Fuels use co2) still leaking leaking into the Pacific in Japan from Fukushima disaster years ago. And his science can do no wrong philosophy is so wrong! For everything great thing science has done - it has also painted humanity into a toxic nightmare corner. Of 80,000 toxic chemicals created by man since WWII - only around 200 have been tested for safety - and anyone with eyes can see that the ongoing rising cancer rates and chronic diseases around the world are caused by human toxic crap all created post-Industrial Revolution/Enlightenment - what Pinker thinks was the end all of human thinking constructs - yes - its selfish human-centrism perspective is ending it all for many species in this 6th great mass extinction happening right now and may even end ours as well. He also conveniently avoids the how meat eating - is 30% of the reason of CO2 emissions and thus Global Warming - and unfortunately meat eating is on the rise world wide. And the .01% hoarding all the wealth to the detriment of everyone else-99% - is a class war time bomb ticking louder and louder! While it's true that being a fatalist/Debbie Downer does not help anything - neither does painting a naive, comforting picture when we need humans to take real actions asap to change maladaptive unsustainable behaviors before the shit hits the fan - and it will be horrible world wide - millions of homeless refugees from rising seas - that will lead to many civil wars. This is the reality we need to be talking about and fixing ASAP! Wake up people! God bless this man made mess!