Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Panpsychism - Universal Consciousness?

I think this is a cool concept that has actually been around for eons all the way back to Plato and Stoics in the West and Taoists and Buddhists in the East. Some modern Quantum physicists see a connection between the sub atomic realm and consciousnesses.



Here are a few notable quotes..

Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental.
— Erwin Schrödinger

The stuff of the world is mind-stuff.
— Arthur Eddington

We do not find obvious evidence of life or mind in so-called inert matter…; but if the scientific point of view is correct, we shall ultimately find them, at least in rudimentary form, all through the universe
— J. B. S. Haldane

Mind or something of the nature as mind must exist throughout the entire universe. This is, I believe, the truth.
— Julian Huxley

The laws of physics leave a place for mind in the description of every molecule… In other words, mind is already inherent in every electron, and the processes of human consciousness differ only in degree and not in kind.
— Freeman Dyson

That which we experience as mind… will in a natural way ultimately reach the level of the wavefunction and of the 'dance' of the particles. There is no unbridgeable gap or barrier between any of these levels… It is implied that, in some sense, a rudimentary consciousness is present even at the level of particle physics.
— David Bohm

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trying to be Hopeful for #Hillary2016 in Spite of Lesser of Evils Scenarios In US Presidential Election

To All my Readers Around the World - I am back from a writing/blogging hiatus because life is something that happens while you're busy making other plans.

Anyway - I was a big Senator Bernie Sanders supporter and like millions of other idealists (13 million that voted for him) across America - sent him money several times for his presidential campaign. It was the only corporate free donation run for major office in American history. Money was less of an issue than was corrupt insider Democratic National Committee (DNC) politics as usual. The DNC led by congresswoman and previous Hillary Clinton aid Debbie Wasserman Shultz spearheaded a secretive sabotage campaign against the Sanders camp early on as Wikileaks official emails have shown - thus locking down the nearly 600 Democrat Super Delegates - which could have easily changed the outcome of the race for the Democratic nomination. Neither candidate reached the necessary regular delegate threshold count to clinch the Democratic race and Senator Sanders was only around 300 behind Clinton. Thus if the DNC actually gave Sanders a fair listen and judged him by his progressive policy agenda - which Hillary has had to totally appropriate to hopefully get some of the young vote to clinch the presidency against the worst Republican nightmare reality TV star and ethically corrupt business man (4 major bankruptcies so far) - the true progressive Sanders would have probably won the nomination. C'est la vie.

The good news is 30 year congress veteran Senator Sanders has serious juice on the hill now and he will surely use it to push through the progressive ideals he has been consistently speaking of for his entire career - 40 years as a public servant who has never sold out to the 1% special interests multi-national corporations that are slowly but surely taking over our planet one corrupt puppet politician at a time. I look forward to seeing how Mr Sanders uses this newly acquired power base he so rightly earned during this extremely hopeful and then disturbing surreal presidential campaign season 2016.

Another major issue has been the ongoing voter suppression corruption in many states all over the country, including even hyper-progressive Brooklyn, NY where 125,000 potential Sanders voters were erased from the polls - supposedly based on not voting in recent elections - but this major kind of voter purging was never done before - so it and many other such sketchy scenarios throughout the US raises red flags about the legitimacy of our broken and fragile democracy.

Nonetheless Hillary Clinton is the lesser of evils choice for this Presidential election cycle 2016 - even with all her corporate conflict of interest business dealings. She has paid her dues and has a very impressive resume at the top rungs of power in our country. Even with her hawkish bad judgement about the Middle East wars, questionable dealings with providing military weapons deals etc with donors to the Clinton Foundation and recent debacle with having a private sever receiving somewhat classified emails at home etc etc - she is still not as bad as lying weirdo, misogynist, racist, evil 1%er Donald Trump! So if you do not vote in disgust of the broken system - you are actually voting for the idiot Trump and possibly the disintegration of the USA - so get off your butts and vote for Hillary!

I am hoping that Hillary will not only win big time but pleasantly surprise us with getting through some serious domestic legislation that is long over due - like tax resources $ for major infrastructure fixing and building a new clean energy grid and transportation sector etc. This will create millions of much needed decent living wage jobs and get us on track to break away from dirty fossil fuels that are bringing the world to a dangerous precipice of global warming. Sadly, we just passed the dreaded 400 ppm - parts per million - levels of CO2 emissions in the air, which are the major factor in the greenhouse effect that creates global warming and ice caps melting-sea levels rising - extreme weather etc that is happening as I write this blog. This is a big difference between Clinton and Trump who thinks Global Warming is a hoax and denies the 97% of world scientists that say otherwise. He is a fool. Hillary is not my first choice but anyone but Trump is the reality we find ourselves in. One thing about Hillary is that she is a hard worker and so maybe - just maybe she may get some good stuff done. Let's all hope and pray so and VOTE Hillary 2016! The future of America is at stake! This is no joke!

God Bless this Mess!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Gladwell's 10,000 hour Rule meme is Over Simplified - More like 20,000 or even 200 relative to Endeavor...

Lately I am hearing this meme about 10,000 hour rule to be a master at something -  again - but as usual the wrong person gets the credit for the actual study cited by Malcolm Gladwell who simply made it a meme with a simplified phrase. A little over simplified and if anything it may take 20,000 to become a master but relative to what you are doing - it could also take just 200! Interesting follow up article by person involved in the actual research/study that led to the true-but-not-so-much 10,000 hour rule meme...



Friday, July 15, 2016

World Study Shows Stagnant Wages for Majority of Citizens for Decades - Will Only Get Worse - What Should We Do?

This bad economic situation for a majority of world citizens is only going to get worse with Corporate exploit cheap poor country labor trade deals like TPP and the ongoing advent/march of new tech that will displace millions of workers in the very near future. The whole unhealthy-unnatural, growth by any means necessary capitalistic system will eventually collapse and in the long term health of the planet and all creatures and living things by proxy  - that is a good thing. Though the immediate future will continue to be a struggle and there will be upheaval as we already see starting. The multi-national corporate execs/powers that be including their puppets in congress and the mass media they control will pit us against each other on superficial and unrealistic old fears aka Machiavelli 101. Or we could embrace this eventuality and see it as an opportunity to completely change how we do business and treat each other. There will more and more down time - which can be really bad especially for men who in secular recent history get their sense of self from working and staying busy trying to provide for family and in more recent history women now carry this burden - even more so than men with 60% divorce rate and women mostly raising our children. Thus we can take this down time and make the best of it - by trying to better ourselves by learning about how to be more self sufficient - growing basic food stuffs and spinning our own cloth like Gandhi did later in life - installing solar panels etc. And we go to our great libraries and soak up all the knowledge from thousands of years of human existence. Or we can continue down the doomsday escapism path we are on and keep up with the Kardashians, play pokeman, scroll for hours, TV, video games, drugs, sports, porno, shopping etc. and it will all fall apart and we will all be in a very bad and unprepared state to deal with it - thus ugly chaos and war. The tiping point is here and the choice is ours. Prepare for the storm or deal with the consequences of non-action. Unfortunately America's history tells us that we will ignore reality until the sh*t hits the fan - but it will be too late by then. God Bless this huge man made mess.

Monday, April 25, 2016

America is No Longer Exceptional = Reality

Please Cut and paste as HBO has made it impossible to properly post video clip.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

PAY 2 PLAY Trailer - US Democracy is Broken!

'The Singing Nurse' at Valencia hospital soothes the suffering

NYTimes David Brooks Rebuked by 'We the People' as related to European Style Democratic Socialism


Like most in the upper tier (15%) of the American Socio-economic ladder - David Brooks is out of touch with the rest of us (85%) majority who work hard, pay our taxes, got our college degrees (or not) and can't get ahead of the rigged game. These smart and in touch retorts from young and older folks all over America to a recent Brooks column ranking on Senator Sander's European Style Democratic Socialism! (see above link)

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Lead Water Crisis in Flint - Hero Scientist Clair Patterson Saves Humanity & Does Not Sell Out to the Evil Corporations




Brian Greene Explains The Discovery Of Gravitational Waves - Ripples of Time are Real!

#Beyonce Talks About Embracing Her Sexuality! Sorry - Not Buying it!

I have pasted a reply to this Beyonce video from my facebook account and am sharing it here.

Beyonce's important views on racism issues etc. are lost in her overt sexuality. I teach young teens in NYC everyday - most are not sophisticated enough (yet) to decipher her Booty/Sexuality Feminism - which I feel is not empowering as much as objectifying. In an age of sky rocketing STDs & unwanted pregnancies - it's irresponsible. She is a great talent and Role model for millions all over the world. She does not need to get down on her knees and always be half naked sticking her butt out etc. Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston & many other very talented women did not do it. Let the music do the talking! Just Sayin'

Yes - I knew this from interviews before her pregnancy thus my previous
comment. Obviously you, Beyonce and millions of her cult like following
are not getting what many of us (women & men - not mansplaining) are
trying to convey. Namely that we are living during a very superficial
time where looks are too important and people's character and depth is
not important enough. Beyonce is fortunate in that she has always been
protected. First by her stage parents as in a Mother and a Father who
were dotting on her from day one until she made it, and then she was
protected ever since by bodyguards and an ex-gangster rap star who
became her husband. Therefore she can safely explore her sexuality in
front of the camera for the whole world to see and because she is so
talented and charismatic - to emulate. Unfortunately - most young people
- especially from lower socioeconomic backgrounds do not have safe
environments and often get into bad situations based on influences such
as this overt sexuality Beyonce is so adamant about expressing. I am
singling out Beyonce because she is currently the Queen bee but this
shallow superficial vibe has dominated American mass media for way too
long. From Hollywood starlets of yesteryear, model mags, old and new
porno, and the more recent talent-less reality shows with beautiful
bimbos like Paris Hilton and now the Kardashians ruling the mass media
realm. It's sad and pathetic and says a lot about how sick our society
is. Look at the huge number of young girls with eating disorders, body
images issues, STDs and unwanted pregnancies, depression, anxieties,
drug addictions etc.etc. Yes - teens are very influenced by whoever
rules the media when they are growing up and right now - there are no
really intelligent Pop Star role models out there for kids to look up
to. And please, making a fortune is not about intelligence as much as
luck for many of these current unsophisticated celebrities. Look at the
latest horrendous scene at Kanye's fashion happening where he sings "
Yeah you hit my bitch before me but that's okay because i am rich"
right in front of his zombie Kardashian family with his 3 year old
daughter in Mom's hands. Disgusting and millions worship Kanye and the
Kardashians who also exploit their sexuality for ratings and of course -
$ - which is all this generation seems to care about. Spiritual values
are surely lacking and you can't take any of this with you when you die -
so good luck with that. Finally the 8000 pound gorilla in the room are
men (apes) who are still primitive and dangerous - especially after
drinking legal and promoted alcoholic beverages. In a time where so many
women are victims of violence via men - it is plain stupid to promote
this type of overt sexual behavior. Now I will hear from young
uneducated wanna be feminists - saying that men need to change - not
women expressing their sexuality. Yes - and I want world peace and all
starving children to be fed too! But we are where we are evolution wise
and trust me - based on world events like 30 wars average at any given
point in time and the world wide violence toward women and children from
men - it will be hundreds if not thousands of years before mens'
testosterone calms down via mutations from social conditioning. But we
live in reality and must take cautions while trying to change it and
make it a better place. You are either part of the problems or the
solutions. Research and figure out where you stand. God Bless this Mess!