Monday, August 18, 2014

Education Visionary Sir Ken Robinson - Do Schools Kill Creativity? & Steve Jobs Stanford 2005 Commencement Speech-Art is as vital as Coding!

As a teacher in the NYC Public school System - I must say that I have hope because there are a lot of great dedicated teachers! Yet there are also folks who should not be teaching. I am a big education reform person. From top to bottom - it needs to change. Dropping Art and Music programs for STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering & Math) is not the answer. Steve Jobs himself says in the video attached that a Calligraphy course that he dropped in on after quitting college changed his life on many levels. Design/Art is equally important to technology. Silicon Valley have finally made this connection in recent years. Yet the schools have not got the memo as most government institutions are always behind where things are at or going. Therefore it is up to communities to demand that art and music programs are not cut from the budgets for STEM agendas. It's shortsighted and plain stupid. How many kids will become coders anyway. So change an entire curriculum for what - to compete in the world economy to see who can crank out the most toxic gadgets fastest? Not a sustainable formula for a healthy future for all humans on the planet. Check out these two videos and read some John Dewey or Paolo Freire who were way ahead of their time as far as pedagogy goes.

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