Saturday, June 28, 2014

3 Links to get this Dialog going...

Here are 3 links to get this dialog flowing. A great must see documentary featuring Robert Reich, Berkeley college  professor and former Secretary of Labor under President Clinton. Mr. Reich does a superb job of breaking down why the American extreme inequality situation exists based on 30+ years of a perfect storm of calculated events. Then I provide a book link to one of the best theology academics and former Catholic nun Karen Armstrong arguing the case for God, regardless of what human icon you worship or do not. And finally a Big Think video with scientist Dr. Francis Collins - co-director of the Human Genome Project - on why so many scientists have a hard time with the God concept. He is a Christian and manages to balance the sacred and the secular as many of us try to do.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Whew! This Social Networking is fun and exausting at the same time!

My back is developing a curve - from hunching too much over the computer while trying to establish myself in the internet social networks. Yes I am trying to get folks to read my book Sto-ology: A Metaphysical Exploration of the Human Condition, but I am also trying to reach out to some folks who I miss and want to say hi to. I am also reaching out to the people I connected with through my ad on craigslist to join and connect with me through this blog and I through theirs - at least in theory. Many of you have clicked out of curiosity but have not followed through with your own blog - to leave comments etc. This is a two way street. I am reaching out - and so now you all need to make a little effort to get this progressive Nonfiction writer's group going. Let's do this!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hello to All,

Hopefully you all are checking out this blog after seeing the link somewhere or learning about it through my reaching out to the many folks I have had contact with from past entrepreneurial endeavors. My name is Christopher Meesto Erato and I am the author of  Sto-ology: A Metaphysical Exploration of the Human Condition.

Let me explain why I wrote this scholarly 21st century philosophy book over the last 5 years as of 2014. It has been an intense process of hundreds of hours of research (700+ excellent references, 90% of which are easy to access links designed specifically for the contemporary e-reader), many edits by three NYC academics, including myself, and finally an ongoing social network learn-as-you-go education to try to get people to actually read the book. I wrote it because I feel we (humanity) are at a tipping point and need to make some drastic changes in our lifestyles asap if we want to have a decent future. Apathy is luxury we can no longer afford. 

I try to balance out the serious tone of the book with the awe and sublime wonderment I feel about being alive in this situation at this particular spot in the cosmic flow of time and space. I originally tried to get a NYC non-fiction writers club together and had just one small meeting of some nice people/writers who showed up out of many that said they would, but did not. I gave it up because - well - between working as a substitute Teacher in the NYC public school system to pay the bills and trying to get this book project finished (many edits!) and now self publishing plus social networking - has/is eaten up most of my time. Did I mention I am in a great relationship for seven years now? Successful relationships also take time and energy. Therefore these are my excuses for not following up with more in face-to-face meetings with fellow non-fiction writers in NYC. 

I ran a craigslist ad many of you may responded to. Anyway, I received many reach-outs from writers all over the world who want to be part of something that will make a difference. I wish to be the catalyst for a bunch of folks who want to be part of the solutions rather than the problems facing humanity in the early 21st century. I am a firm believer in the power of numbers or a collective to change the world and make it a better place through dialog and action. Thus this blog - finally! Please post whatever you wish - as long as it falls under the non-fiction umbrella. No topic is off limits. The only thing I insist on is civility of tone. Disagreeing is inevitable and healthy in any feedback loop - but keeping it civil as in polite is my only rule. Otherwise, feel free to express yourself!

The issues that I am currently very concerned about are sustainability and our broken democracy. I write about these in detail in my book Sto-ology: A Metaphysical Exploration of the Human Condition, and provide many useful informative links to go deeper and learn more. You can peruse a few free chapters on I sent many of you a free PDF preview of the first 2 chapters along with this blog invite. Please like the Sto-ology page on Facebook or tweet me at Meesto@Sto_ology. Let's get this revolution started!

Welcome to Sto-ology 101

Sto-ology is a new philosophy for the 21st century that bridges the unnecessary gaps between the sacred and the secular realms. It aims to inspire the reader through timeless knowledge combined with the most interesting science and sociopolitical dialogue of our time. The mission is to raise awareness on important issues and motivate people to action - to be part of the solutions rather than the problems facing humanity.

Sto-ology: A Metaphysical Exploration of the Human Condition is one of the first books of its kind that navigates back and forth between scientific, philosophical and spiritual knowledge and connects the dots thereof. There is a great hole in the soul of the Western secular dominated world, thus all the unhealthy addictions including greed, drugs, eating, electronic escapism and even sex. There are many millions of people trying in vain to fill this hole with temporary toxic fixes that only end up adding to their misery and the greater collective's. Sto-ology helps to heal and fill this hole by illuminating the true beauty and interconnectedness of all things. It offers healthy, non-toxic alternative ways of getting high naturally. It celebrates the miracle web that is life. Sto-ology is the result of twenty plus years of valid research (700+ respected references/links) and real life experience. This book is not only a didactic manifesto from a concerned, well educated and spiritual American. It is also a book that delves into the mysteries and the fascinating known realities of the universe we temporarily inhabit. It does so using famous studies in science and classic teachings from religion and philosophy.

It is now available on most online retail book stores including Amazon, Barns & Noble, ibooks, Kobo etc. Email me and I will send you a free PDF preview with the first two chapters!