Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Songs = Hits of 40 years

Jimmy Carter Brilliantly Explains How The Establishment Gave Us Trump

The Truth About Republicans & Ronald Reagan by George Carlin

Kutiman-Thru-you - 01 - Mother of All #Funk #Music Chords Mash-Up

What hallucination reveals about our minds | Oliver Sacks

Joseph Campbell - The Rapture of Life

Great advice from Joseph Campbell (Follow Your Bliss)

#Jesus and #Buddha #Consciousness - Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers

What do you #Desire? / If #Money were no Object - Alan Watts





The philosophy of #Stoicism - Massimo Pigliucci

Carl #Jung and the #Spiritual Problem of the #Modern Individual

Carl Jung - What are the #Archetypes?

87 Subversive Documentaries That Challenge the Status Quo - Revolution will Not be Televised!


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Argument for #Monogamy

This is a response to a facebook post from a popular underground culture writer promoting tired ideas of free sex (love?)...

Geez - Let it go! This was already experimented with throughout history - most recently the 1960s with so called 'free love' - that has only led to tons of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, STDs (along w/ no sex ed) and broken hearts. While it's true that our consciousness (brains) are battling millions of years of multiple partners - this is primitive pre-enlightened behavior that was mostly propagated based upon the physical dominance of men, regardless of what women thought. Some will say that women too think often about sex - which may be true but use Beyonce as a modern example of a full on sexually liberated feminist who exploits her sexuality in her overall performer presentation - (which I don't like - bad influence on young women and men - Aretha & Whitney never had to go down on their knees to gain respect for great singing) yet it was Jay-Z that cheated. Women can control themselves better than men - high levels of testosterone surely play a role in this bad promiscuous behavior. Bad for several reasons but here are what I think are the important ones - mainly - people are not objects just to have sex with - they/we are complex miracles with real emotions. Attachments are natural and inevitable in this most sacred of acts that can lead to creation in the form of new human beings. Another consideration is that one can try to justify this promisquity as normal based on evolution - but others have tried to justify other bad behaviors such as slavery and control of women with the same argument - the 'it's always been like this so this is okay' argument - Wrong! It's called evolution of ideas/consciousness and making progress as sentient beings. We must learn that love is the key, lock and the door to this debate. Not sex - the Hindus believe that eventually one needs to get over this primitive drive to procreate in later life - the final stage known as Moksha (same as Nirvana) where one tries to purify their spirit by letting go of earthly desires and reconnect with our highest Godhead potential. Finally it's hard enough to have one really good relationship/connection with a mate never mind trying to bring more into the picture. Monogamy is the cosmic challenge. The benefits of pure Love for those who make it work are what we all wish for deep down in our inner most souls.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

#Letter To #Inventor of #Gene #Editing #Technology #CRISPR - WHY?

Dear Professor Doudna,
It's surreal to me that an individual like yourself can alter the entire world so there is no escape - no where to run - no where to hide for the other 7-8 billion of us - never mind all the other millions of innocent conscious creatures that inhabit the earth.

You and your co-inventor of the CRISPR technique have become part of a very small club of science inventors who have created things that can destroy human kind and all of nature as we know it. Einstein, Oppenheimer, Haber and a few others are part of this small infamous group of irresponsible and immature, myopic human scientists. Yet both of you will probably win the Noble prize in time - which shows where our mixed up values are at as a myopic tech based secular society.
Einstein's theories and Oppenheimer's Manhattan Project allowed for the splitting of the atom and unleashing it's potential destructive abilities in the form of nuclear bombs. With Hitler's rising and his own great scientists working on it  - it's somewhat understandable. But even Nuclear energy turned out to be a bummer with radioactive waste nobody wants in their backyard and today it still leaks and poisons the Pacific Ocean (& us via toxic radiated seafood etc.) in Fukushima, Japan post-disaster 5 years ago. This nuclear threat and the universal sub-conscious stress it causes will always hang over humanity like the sword of Damocles. No good has come from the splitting the atom and please do not use the less CO2 argument - though true - yet if we had switched to solar, wind and other renewables 50 years ago - the world would be a much better, healthier place - but the evil fossil fuel corporations will not allow us to progress (as Big Pharma will pervert and control CRISPR soon enough) at the peril of all humanity's healthy future - including their own families = insanity - because they knew all along as Exxon's own scientists informed them of impending Global Warming crisis 35 years ago - and this will end up in Supreme Court and or a congressional hearings case in due course but justice may be too late, unfortunately for the world. Radiation treatment for cancer patients is another argument but at least 80% of cancers would not exist if not for the reckless, speeding ahead, dirty, toxic technology of the Industrial revolution causing it in the first place.

We as a society spend more time and resources on cures rather than examining and eliminating the root causes of disease because it would mess with greedy corporate profit margins. The sickness of growth by any means necessary, which is our capitalistic
economic model - is no longer sustainable or desirable.
After reading the insane title and excerpts from your book - Cracking in Creation - Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution - I am glad I have no children and will be dead by the time your evil invention starts to negatively affect the quality of life for all creatures on earth in a foreseeable Ice-9 (Cat's Cradle - Vonnegut) nightmare scenario. Not if, but when, as with all human hubris.
I often wonder about what motivates people like you. You overly ambitious to a fault, super inflated ego types always claim how you want to help people avoid diseases and make life better but this never plays out in the bigger picture over time. The earth has evolved to where it is over 4 billion years with a super delicate, hyper-complex, interconnected ecosystem and yet to scientists like you it is like a playground for you to alter and destroy as you wish - basically playing God.

Another scary, insane quote - "It won't be long before CRISPR allows us to bend nature to our will the way humans have dreamed of since pre-history" - Please do not speak for all humans Professor! Billions of us do not think like this nor have our ancestors! Only grandiose, insane, control freaks have this thought construct. You are what Mary Shelly wrote about in her Dr. Frankenstein story - seemingly good intention, hyper-intelligent people who are basically out of control and the horrible consequences the rest of us ordinary common sense folks have to deal with in the wake of their evil creations.

Why do you disrespect Mother Nature so much? Did your Mother not give you enough tactile affection when you were a child? Do you have any fond memories of nature? Do you respect the beauty and majesty of nature at all or merely see it as a nuisance needing taming? Obviously this is the case based on the title of your book. You are a part of the arrogant, Euro-centric, post-Enlightenment science-is-our-saviour believers who worship at the secular temple (i.e - cold white sterile lab).
To me, people like you are way more dangerous than the most wanted terrorists in the world. They can only negatively affect thousands - and over time they will disappear or die and nature and people will recover - but as you say yourself, your CRISPR technology has the evil power of altering all of nature forever - for better and worse and the worse will surely outweigh the better as our brief and myopic history of irresponsible science and innovation has already shown in a short blink of time (2 hundred years vs 2-300,000) in our human evolution story.
Since you live and work near fantastic nature on the West Coast - I suggest you go for a walk at Big Sur and walk among the great Sequoias and try hard to commune with nature - meditate under the trees and feel their energy and living consciousness (see PBS link doc). I pray you spend the rest of your life alerting people to the dangers of what you have created - as did Guilt ridden Einstein and Oppenheimer in regards to Nuclear proliferation. Most uninformed sheeple can't be bothered (average citizens) and won't even care until it disrupts their quality of life, which it surely will sooner than later.
I am not anti-science - but I am a Luddite because technology is recklessly racing ahead on all fronts and we humans still have a primitive and violent fear based Paleolithic cave man core mind set - not a good mix - at all! We need to put the breaks on all technologies and allow our better angel consciousness levels catch up - naturally - which means it will take a while, the way nature aka God  intended it to flow. I am pretty sure you are an atheist and I feel sorry for you. God Bless this Mess!
Christopher Jones
Concerned Human