Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Another Bourgeois #NYTimes article Shooting Down #Sanders & #Warren's Plans to Erase #Student #Debt!


We the tax payers have bailed out the rich via Wall Street & Big Banks crashes in an ongoing cycle every 10-12 years through out our entire US history (& the car corporations twice). Now it's the citizen's turn to get bailed out so we can have a shot at the American dream. I am so over the NY Times Bourgeois articles shooting down the growing Socialist movement in our country. A big part of both Bernie & Liz's plans include free tuition for city/state colleges - that will attract many more middle class students and thus create competition for the private colleges which in turn will eventually bring down tuition for those who want to go into debt for a liberal arts degree that's how the free market is supposed to work - right? The time is way over due to redistribute the wealth made off the blood, sweat and tears of the workers and in a safe country with the infrastructure to generate fortunes - all paid for by the average citizen's tax dollars - not Amazon that pays 0 taxes! Enough is enough! Wake up and smell the peaceful revolution that is coming! Most Millennial's get it and have big numbers of voters - only a matter of when and not if Socialism will take hold in the land of greedy dog-eat-dog capitalism. Socialism has a broad spectrum of interpretations - Democratic Socialism is not Venezuela - look to Northern Europe's successful model with the highest quality of life indexes for decades now.When the 1% pay their fair share of taxes, there will be enough $ to pay for it!

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