Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Why #Adhering to the #US #Constitution is So #Important for all the #Dummies
Like the country itself, the Federal Government of the United States is polarized between the Democrats and the Republicans. This division is on full display right now during the Impeachment process against President Trump. This essay is not going to be about Trump, one of the worst, most corrupt presidents in our nation's short history (emphasis on short - around 230 years so far). This blog entry is going to be about one of the greatest secular documents ever written - our US Constitution.
The true genius of this federation of states is the Constitution's checks and balances system with three co-equal (emphasis on equal) branches of government, the executive (president & cabinet), the Legislative (Senate & Congress) and the Judicial (Supreme and lower courts). This brilliant checks and balances system ensures that no one is absolute ruler and no one is above the law (emphasis on No One) and allows for a thorough vetting legal process of all issues that arise in running a big and diverse country.
Our Constitution has other brilliant aspects such as the Bill of Rights that firstly ensures our basic and cherished, yet often taken for granted freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, right to protest and several of the top 10 guarantee our right to a day in court with free legal representation and a jury of our peers - innocent until proven guilty. Of course there is the 2nd amendment that says gun ownership shall not infringed upon (whether or not this meant military style weapons is a big issue right now based on mass gun shootings/slaughters around the country for decades). And whatever is not covered in the Constitution the 10th amendment allows any state to determine/create their own laws until a time arises when they are deemed wrong and taken to the courts for whatever reasons.
Another brilliant element of the US Constitution is it's ability to evolve via new amendments. There has been 17 amendments added since the original big 10 in 1789. These include the rights of black people and women to be full, equal citizens with the right to vote in fair and open elections. Nonetheless, it's very hard to get an amendment passed because it takes two thirds of both houses of congress as well as being ratified by three fourths of the 50 states legislatures. Only once in our US history has an amendment been repealed - that was the Prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages in the 1920s and early 1930s.
There are many conservative citizens who claim to be Originalists, thus interpreting the Constitution through a fixed and static lens based on the time period it was written in. But this perspective is often a cover for conservative ideology that runs counter to how the progressive, hyper intelligent founders brilliantly set up the Constitution with the transforming ability to add new amendments/laws and therefore adapt and evolve as a healthy state moving forward in time.
Finally, Democracy itself ties into the sacred nature of the US Constitution (France's own was modeled after ours as are many other nations around the world). The bottom line is the first line of the document that declares, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." We the people - pick and choose our leaders through a democratic process and they work for us, the US citizens who pay their salaries via our taxes.
Our Democracy is still not as great as could be and needs major fixing but it is still sacred and is what millions of patriotic citizens have died for via many conflicts all over the world and right here on North American soil - regardless of whether you or I agree or disagree with the wars themselves. The ultimate sacrifice was made and they should be honored by honoring our Constitution aka Rule of law.
The freedoms, mostly safe conditions (infrastructure), justice system (needs major fixing as well) and our fragile Democracy itself is now at risk because corrupt President Trump, backed by the Republican leaders in particular are not adhering to the laws established in the Constitution! The list is growing but first there was obstruction of justice as revealed in the Mueller report about real interference into our elections by the Russians and Trump's cronies ties and subsequent arrests and jailing for various crimes. Then there are the constant ongoing emoluments clause violations by the entire Trump family making tons of money off of foreign and domestic leaders etc. and most recently the whole Ukraine affair where Trump seemingly tried to bribe the new leader into investigating his 2020 presidential political opponent Joe Biden and his son, which has lead to the current impeachment proceedings.
All of these illegal transgressions by the president and his cronies should be taken very seriously by every American citizen who cares about our country and the Rule of Law where no one is above the law - including the president! Otherwise our country is doomed and it will not be pretty. It will really suck and therefore all must do what they can to make sure justice prevails. What can an average citizen do? Well Voting is important and calling and writing to your reps in government and when necessary get out in the streets, protest and demand justice and adherence to our sacred and secular document - The US Constitution! Our Democracy and government are not immune to what has ruined every other great nation in history - greed and corruption of the leaders and lazy apathy of the citizenry. Therefore - wake up and do something to insure our survival as a Democracy facing a crisis of legitimacy - before it's too late! God Bless America!
The true genius of this federation of states is the Constitution's checks and balances system with three co-equal (emphasis on equal) branches of government, the executive (president & cabinet), the Legislative (Senate & Congress) and the Judicial (Supreme and lower courts). This brilliant checks and balances system ensures that no one is absolute ruler and no one is above the law (emphasis on No One) and allows for a thorough vetting legal process of all issues that arise in running a big and diverse country.
Our Constitution has other brilliant aspects such as the Bill of Rights that firstly ensures our basic and cherished, yet often taken for granted freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, right to protest and several of the top 10 guarantee our right to a day in court with free legal representation and a jury of our peers - innocent until proven guilty. Of course there is the 2nd amendment that says gun ownership shall not infringed upon (whether or not this meant military style weapons is a big issue right now based on mass gun shootings/slaughters around the country for decades). And whatever is not covered in the Constitution the 10th amendment allows any state to determine/create their own laws until a time arises when they are deemed wrong and taken to the courts for whatever reasons.
Another brilliant element of the US Constitution is it's ability to evolve via new amendments. There has been 17 amendments added since the original big 10 in 1789. These include the rights of black people and women to be full, equal citizens with the right to vote in fair and open elections. Nonetheless, it's very hard to get an amendment passed because it takes two thirds of both houses of congress as well as being ratified by three fourths of the 50 states legislatures. Only once in our US history has an amendment been repealed - that was the Prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages in the 1920s and early 1930s.
There are many conservative citizens who claim to be Originalists, thus interpreting the Constitution through a fixed and static lens based on the time period it was written in. But this perspective is often a cover for conservative ideology that runs counter to how the progressive, hyper intelligent founders brilliantly set up the Constitution with the transforming ability to add new amendments/laws and therefore adapt and evolve as a healthy state moving forward in time.
Finally, Democracy itself ties into the sacred nature of the US Constitution (France's own was modeled after ours as are many other nations around the world). The bottom line is the first line of the document that declares, "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." We the people - pick and choose our leaders through a democratic process and they work for us, the US citizens who pay their salaries via our taxes.
Our Democracy is still not as great as could be and needs major fixing but it is still sacred and is what millions of patriotic citizens have died for via many conflicts all over the world and right here on North American soil - regardless of whether you or I agree or disagree with the wars themselves. The ultimate sacrifice was made and they should be honored by honoring our Constitution aka Rule of law.
The freedoms, mostly safe conditions (infrastructure), justice system (needs major fixing as well) and our fragile Democracy itself is now at risk because corrupt President Trump, backed by the Republican leaders in particular are not adhering to the laws established in the Constitution! The list is growing but first there was obstruction of justice as revealed in the Mueller report about real interference into our elections by the Russians and Trump's cronies ties and subsequent arrests and jailing for various crimes. Then there are the constant ongoing emoluments clause violations by the entire Trump family making tons of money off of foreign and domestic leaders etc. and most recently the whole Ukraine affair where Trump seemingly tried to bribe the new leader into investigating his 2020 presidential political opponent Joe Biden and his son, which has lead to the current impeachment proceedings.
All of these illegal transgressions by the president and his cronies should be taken very seriously by every American citizen who cares about our country and the Rule of Law where no one is above the law - including the president! Otherwise our country is doomed and it will not be pretty. It will really suck and therefore all must do what they can to make sure justice prevails. What can an average citizen do? Well Voting is important and calling and writing to your reps in government and when necessary get out in the streets, protest and demand justice and adherence to our sacred and secular document - The US Constitution! Our Democracy and government are not immune to what has ruined every other great nation in history - greed and corruption of the leaders and lazy apathy of the citizenry. Therefore - wake up and do something to insure our survival as a Democracy facing a crisis of legitimacy - before it's too late! God Bless America!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Friday, November 1, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Monday, September 16, 2019
Monday, September 9, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
#White #Nazi #Radicalization on #YouTube
Caleb Cain and Kevin Roose on Radicalization and YouTube: Caleb Cain and Kevin Roose join the program to discuss radicalization and YouTube.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Monday, July 15, 2019
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Friday, June 28, 2019
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Another Bourgeois #NYTimes article Shooting Down #Sanders & #Warren's Plans to Erase #Student #Debt!
We the tax payers have bailed out the rich via Wall Street & Big Banks crashes in an ongoing cycle every 10-12 years through out our entire US history (& the car corporations twice). Now it's the citizen's turn to get bailed out so we can have a shot at the American dream. I am so over the NY Times Bourgeois articles shooting down the growing Socialist movement in our country. A big part of both Bernie & Liz's plans include free tuition for city/state colleges - that will attract many more middle class students and thus create competition for the private colleges which in turn will eventually bring down tuition for those who want to go into debt for a liberal arts degree that's how the free market is supposed to work - right? The time is way over due to redistribute the wealth made off the blood, sweat and tears of the workers and in a safe country with the infrastructure to generate fortunes - all paid for by the average citizen's tax dollars - not Amazon that pays 0 taxes! Enough is enough! Wake up and smell the peaceful revolution that is coming! Most Millennial's get it and have big numbers of voters - only a matter of when and not if Socialism will take hold in the land of greedy dog-eat-dog capitalism. Socialism has a broad spectrum of interpretations - Democratic Socialism is not Venezuela - look to Northern Europe's successful model with the highest quality of life indexes for decades now.When the 1% pay their fair share of taxes, there will be enough $ to pay for it!
We the tax payers have bailed out the rich via Wall Street & Big Banks crashes in an ongoing cycle every 10-12 years through out our entire US history (& the car corporations twice). Now it's the citizen's turn to get bailed out so we can have a shot at the American dream. I am so over the NY Times Bourgeois articles shooting down the growing Socialist movement in our country. A big part of both Bernie & Liz's plans include free tuition for city/state colleges - that will attract many more middle class students and thus create competition for the private colleges which in turn will eventually bring down tuition for those who want to go into debt for a liberal arts degree that's how the free market is supposed to work - right? The time is way over due to redistribute the wealth made off the blood, sweat and tears of the workers and in a safe country with the infrastructure to generate fortunes - all paid for by the average citizen's tax dollars - not Amazon that pays 0 taxes! Enough is enough! Wake up and smell the peaceful revolution that is coming! Most Millennial's get it and have big numbers of voters - only a matter of when and not if Socialism will take hold in the land of greedy dog-eat-dog capitalism. Socialism has a broad spectrum of interpretations - Democratic Socialism is not Venezuela - look to Northern Europe's successful model with the highest quality of life indexes for decades now.When the 1% pay their fair share of taxes, there will be enough $ to pay for it!
Sunday, June 23, 2019
#NYTimes Article on New #Toxic #5G Network - "It's as it Should Be" - WHY? WAKE UP Sheeple!
"Off the Grid places are disappearing - and that's as
it should be" Why? Who makes this decision that affects all citizens? The
elite 1% execs at Telecom corps working politicians like puppets to achieve
this 5G tech agenda. Hate to break it to you folks but 4G is toxic (see links)
and 5G will be even worse. 100 years ago - 3 in 100 people got cancer - now
it's 1 in 3 people and soon will be 50% of all people. There are many toxic,
human made reasons for this ongoing increase in cancer rates but low frequency
radiation that has exploded in the last 20 years w/cell phone use is now part
of the cancer-causing pie. I am fed up with the myopic steam roller that is new
tech implemented on mass scales with no input from citizens. We're doing fine
without 5G network towers every 50 yards. Ask yourselves - who will truly
benefit ($) from the data generated from tracking our every move & selling
to us 24/7? Citizens need to wake up and do a little research & get
organized to put the breaks on untested hi-tech that's always pushed on us
whether we like it or not. Don't believe me-MD's & scientists from Ivy
league schools (links) are telling gov to restrict building cell phone towers
next to schools based on toxic effects to developing brains. Tech is great but
can also be toxic & bad for our health. We ignore the bad at our own peril.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Friday, April 19, 2019
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Thursday, February 7, 2019
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