I recently read a book review on two popular white privileged feminst writers and here's my reaction I posted elsewhere in social media...
Who cares - sex is overrated and occupies way too much much energy and resources on every level and does have major moral, health and environmental risks. Was all the blood, sweat and tears experienced by the early suffragettes and progressive men so women could vote done so women could be as promiscuous as men? Sad if true. Read a review recently of a new Feminist book by a Ms Filipovic - pushing a freedom of sex centered feminism - which in the age of Internet porno being tied with violent video games as the most popular downloads on the world wide web - has been accomplished - bravo - recent STDs reports highest rates ever - abortions by the millions and plenty of unwanted orphans - geez - this is the best that modern privileged white publishers can produce as far as female intellectuals? Pathetic. I am sure some of the top leader suffragettes are turning over in their graves. The 1960s was revolutionary on many levels and broke down many walls and taboos but we as a society seem to have thrown out the baby with the bath water as far as core values and respect for the act of sex as a sacred act that carries heavy consequences when treated lightly like an addiction to shallow pleasure that it has become. I feel like MS Solnit, another older and wiser feminist author has more wisdom in questioning the whole concept of happiness as a core goal of life - often via superficial, materialist (not sustainable) and dangerous selfish endeavors. God bless this human made mess - and finally two wrongs do not make anything right - so engaging in bad behaviors just because men have for ions - does not make it right. Why not be the better gender, keep what makes you better already and create new paradigms of better and more spiritual behaviors - always felt this would be the flow of history but seeing war hawks like Thatcher and Hillary and women cage fighters pummel each other and other women want to fight on the front lines in stupid wars - starting to lessen the high pedestal I once put women on because I had a super Mom with high level integrity, class and kindness.
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