Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Fed up with Science Periodicals that never cover Negative side of Science!

No - we do not - I am going to stop following you Nautilus Magazine - Your secular science temple worshiping articles are boring and myopic - you never once examine the dark side of science - as in the negative side effects of so many man made nightmares in the name of science and so called progress - nuclear waste leaking in Fukushima - 80,000 toxic chemicals created and used just since WWII - only 200 of which have been tested for negative health effects - can you say cancer - which has skyrocketed during this same time period as has heart diseases and chronic ailments - more than correlation - obviously causation for anyone being honest with themselves - all caused by man made toxic pollution! Like all politicians - Most scientists have no integrity and sell their souls to the corporations for profit driven discoveries regardless of any long term negative side affects to the planet and all its inhabitants. I love responsible science but I am Fed up with periodicals like yours and Scientific American who has supported GMOs even though there has never been a human longitudinal study done - the sad reality is we are the experiment in the USA over the last 20 years - like guinea pigs for Big Agra and evil chemical companies like Monsanto. We are all going to hell in a hand-basket because of extreme secular idiots with no common sense or long term world view. Consumerism via hard core capitalism which poisons everything - will be humanities undoing - as in it's already happening - we have passed the 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years! Can you say fossil fuel economy that people just accept like a big dumb flock of sheep - including and especially the best and brightest scientists who work for the creepy corporations that create all the petrol based products we use and poison ourselves with every minute of every day! Take the a from apathy and you get pathetic - that describes humans in general and especially secular fanatics who bear most of the blame for creating this mess. Do yourself a favor and Get spiritual Nautilus! Take the PAscal wager since you can't seem to respect God or its miraculous creation with humility and grace. God bless this mess!

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