Friday, March 17, 2017

Argument for Slowing Down Science From Facebook Posts Based on Singularity Prediction

Me in responce to article...

Can't stand this guy - read his books decades ago and the singularity keeps getting pushed up years and years - point is when the cyborgs take over he will be dead. He is a myopic, boring atheist that thinks humans can improve upon nature that God created and took 4 billion years of hyper-complex inter connected ecosytems to evolve - only to have humans ruin in within 100 years of so called progress. So sick of the secular extremism that rules the world. For every great thing that science has accomplished - it has caused as much and even more destruction - can you say Fukishima radiation as in millions and millions of tons of nuclear waste being created every day for 5 years now? Or how about the 80,000 untested toxic chemicals created since WWII - can you say skyrocketing cancer and chronic illness rates? Yes - it is causation - if you are honest with yourself. Science has a very dark side that no one seems to talk about - as long as we have our comfy pads - and computers and gadgets - millions of tons of more toxic waste into landfills - 7.3 billion and counting - humans are a virus on the earth - Mother Nature is getting upset and we are over due for a huge catastrophic volcano event - that will do some serious damage - We better get it togehter asap or things are going to get real ugly - sorry to be the voice of doom but nonspiritual secular priests like this annoying Kurzweil guy really get me pissed off.

Reply from A Computer Science Guy Brit C. from Colorado... 

Science has saved far more lives than it has harmed. Until we came up with a vaccine, smallpox was killing a million people a year. Our farming technology feeds billions. Lifespans are longer than they've ever been. Women used to die in childbirth regularly. If I remember correctly, something like 1 in 8 women used to die in childbirth. And roughly half of all children used to die before the age of 5. Those things rarely ever happen anymore, and we can thank science.

My reply  to his...

Yes - humans like all other animals died more often before the arrogant Western post Enlightenment domination and total devastation of nature - when humans were in balance with nature for better and worse. Fear of death has not stopped it (inevitable death) from happening. Yes - half would die young but in certain parts of the world post Agriculture age - like the Mediterranean and Asia - many lived to be very old like today - diet. active lifestyle and luck of peaceful pocket of geo-politcal location etc. The majority died at 40 meme is overly used and only partially true - do the research. Everything is artificial and toxic - life is lengthened for the majority but has quality of life with so much cancer and chronic ailments and depression? And are you forgetting the military technology in the last few hundred years that has killed hundreds of millions? I am not anti-science but more for responsible, ethical and ecologically minded long view science and not for profit by any means necessary - with creepy no integrity people in lab coats doing the dirty work for corporations - which is the norm for the last 100 years - and look where this has gotten us - 6th great extinction and the impending disaster of global warming. We need to slow down and reassess what we as humans require for healthy non-toxic happiness for all humanity and all the other creatures that occupy this small planet. Be true stewards on this spacehip earth - there is no plan b and MArs is a long, long way off and will be a horrible bio-dome existence anyway - no thanks! The current growth by any means necessary model of capitalism is not sustainable and part of this is science putting on the brakes. Take medical science - there's no money in cures but only in ongoing expensive toxic fixes (pills & procedures). This health care model sucks. How many gadgets do we need to be happy?
One of my science heroes is Jonas Salk who created the Polio vaccine and gave the patent to the public - where are people of this high integrity and values nowadays? Science is only as helpful and good as the people doing it otherwise it's a scary cirlce of myopic and dangerous Dr Frankensteins - which is what we have today for the most part - I knwo there a few exceptions but they are the outliers. God bless this mess!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Fed up with Science Periodicals that never cover Negative side of Science!

No - we do not - I am going to stop following you Nautilus Magazine - Your secular science temple worshiping articles are boring and myopic - you never once examine the dark side of science - as in the negative side effects of so many man made nightmares in the name of science and so called progress - nuclear waste leaking in Fukushima - 80,000 toxic chemicals created and used just since WWII - only 200 of which have been tested for negative health effects - can you say cancer - which has skyrocketed during this same time period as has heart diseases and chronic ailments - more than correlation - obviously causation for anyone being honest with themselves - all caused by man made toxic pollution! Like all politicians - Most scientists have no integrity and sell their souls to the corporations for profit driven discoveries regardless of any long term negative side affects to the planet and all its inhabitants. I love responsible science but I am Fed up with periodicals like yours and Scientific American who has supported GMOs even though there has never been a human longitudinal study done - the sad reality is we are the experiment in the USA over the last 20 years - like guinea pigs for Big Agra and evil chemical companies like Monsanto. We are all going to hell in a hand-basket because of extreme secular idiots with no common sense or long term world view. Consumerism via hard core capitalism which poisons everything - will be humanities undoing - as in it's already happening - we have passed the 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years! Can you say fossil fuel economy that people just accept like a big dumb flock of sheep - including and especially the best and brightest scientists who work for the creepy corporations that create all the petrol based products we use and poison ourselves with every minute of every day! Take the a from apathy and you get pathetic - that describes humans in general and especially secular fanatics who bear most of the blame for creating this mess. Do yourself a favor and Get spiritual Nautilus! Take the PAscal wager since you can't seem to respect God or its miraculous creation with humility and grace. God bless this mess!