Friday, July 15, 2016

World Study Shows Stagnant Wages for Majority of Citizens for Decades - Will Only Get Worse - What Should We Do?

This bad economic situation for a majority of world citizens is only going to get worse with Corporate exploit cheap poor country labor trade deals like TPP and the ongoing advent/march of new tech that will displace millions of workers in the very near future. The whole unhealthy-unnatural, growth by any means necessary capitalistic system will eventually collapse and in the long term health of the planet and all creatures and living things by proxy  - that is a good thing. Though the immediate future will continue to be a struggle and there will be upheaval as we already see starting. The multi-national corporate execs/powers that be including their puppets in congress and the mass media they control will pit us against each other on superficial and unrealistic old fears aka Machiavelli 101. Or we could embrace this eventuality and see it as an opportunity to completely change how we do business and treat each other. There will more and more down time - which can be really bad especially for men who in secular recent history get their sense of self from working and staying busy trying to provide for family and in more recent history women now carry this burden - even more so than men with 60% divorce rate and women mostly raising our children. Thus we can take this down time and make the best of it - by trying to better ourselves by learning about how to be more self sufficient - growing basic food stuffs and spinning our own cloth like Gandhi did later in life - installing solar panels etc. And we go to our great libraries and soak up all the knowledge from thousands of years of human existence. Or we can continue down the doomsday escapism path we are on and keep up with the Kardashians, play pokeman, scroll for hours, TV, video games, drugs, sports, porno, shopping etc. and it will all fall apart and we will all be in a very bad and unprepared state to deal with it - thus ugly chaos and war. The tiping point is here and the choice is ours. Prepare for the storm or deal with the consequences of non-action. Unfortunately America's history tells us that we will ignore reality until the sh*t hits the fan - but it will be too late by then. God Bless this huge man made mess.

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