Friday, December 11, 2015

Peter Singer: The Why and How of Effective Altruism

14 Year Old Native Canadian Girl Sings Beautiful Song of the Earth and Healing

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Only Solution to End Terrorist Attacks and Global Warming to End the Fossil Fuel Age! Wake up People!

The root cause of this latest tragedy and Global Warming is the world's use and dependence on fossil fuels. The US and its allies would not even be in the Middle East if it were not for this dirty resource oil. Unless there is a collective grass roots movement to end humanity's use of of nasty fossil fuels - which has started but desperately needs way more people involved - this conflict will continue. Granted the reasons extremist/terrorist Muslims hate the West are another deeper reason - but if the West had not occupied their part of the world over a 100 years ago to secure the flow of oil to fuel the industrial revolution and the combustion engine in particular (only 35% efficient!) - we surely would not be in this predicament today. Another potential out was the OPEC crisis in the 1970s. President Carter put solar panels on the White House and told Americans to turn down their thermostats-put on a sweater. He was ready to steer our ship toward cleaner energies - but the big oil conglomerates - Exxon, Shell, BP etc - via the puppet politicians in our quasi-democracy - would not let this happen. Imagine if it did> Global Warming and sea level rise would not be an issue - and surely most humans would be healthier without breathing in diesel and gas fumes 24/7 for the last 40 years. We cannot go backwards - but we can move forward and organize and demand an end to this insanity of fossil fuel use in the 21st century. Einstein said the definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same mistake and expect a different outcome. A trillion dollar plan funded by the oil corporations - Exxon in particular for hiding-covering up for 30 years the science and imminent dangers of fossil fuel use causing Global Warming - A 10-20 year plan to stop the use of fossil fuels - BE the leader and the light on the hill for the world that conservatives love to quote about America. It's time people - Organize - DIVEST - and be part of the solution at this tipping point in history! God bless this human made mess!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Be An Activist! Online Petitions Work! Make the World a Better Place! Links here to Best Organizations! No Corporation wants Bad PR!

Dear Readers,

I have been doing online petitions for many different causes for around 10 years now. But in just the last 2 years I have seen a huge increase in success stories from these online petitions! Whether keeping US corporations from polluting the environment, setting up tax havens in foreign countries or preventing bad government legislation like allowing the Keystone Pipeline or Corporate control of the internet - to name just a few! 

There are ongoing battles like fixing our democracy and overturning the Citizen United Supreme Court blunder, GMOs and the right to know what is in our food, and the fossil fuel interests trying to deny, keep down or control information about the valid science of petrol Co2 release human caused Global Warming. In addition the fossil fuel corporations try to prevent via puppet politicians - the free flow of clean energy technology such as Solar and Wind. 

These very important battles and many others will determine whether humanity has a healthy awesome future or a dismal dark one where the majority will suffer because of the consequences of these crucial issues that have to be fixed ASAP!

Get involved - sign up  and do petitions and go to or organize protests in your area of the planet! I spend around 20 minutes a day on petitions. Yes - they will ask you for money - but if you have none to give - no problem - just press delete.

Be part of the solution - make the world a better place - one click at a time! Every bit helps regardless of what naysayers say! Like I said in the first part of this blog - I have seen more success stories recently than ever before in the 10 years I have been doing this. I attribute it to the rise in awareness on issues that can no longer be ignored like global warming and the proliferation/ease of use to help spread the word via social networks. Whatever the reasons it is good and you can do it too! 

Here is a list/links of respected organizations trying to make the world a better place! If you know of others - share them in comments section! Go for it! Do you civic duty - our democracy is broken and we can't depend on our politicians to fix things - they are actually part of the problem now! Use an pseudonym email if you are worried about getting on a Big Brother list! Even 20 minutes a week for a better future would be awesome!!/ (Union of Concerned Scientists)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dearest Daughter - This is the Real Deal on Guys and Why I Am So Strict With You...

Dearest Daughter,

You are the apple of my eye and I love you more than words can express. Therefore I must now be your Father and not necessarily your friend - hopefully just for while.

First let me say that I know you are super smart and I trust you. Yet we live in a crazy world where shit can happen and I just want to help you avoid it using both common sense and logic-based thinking. Thus maybe you will understand why I have to put some restrictions on your person-hood from here on until you are 18. After that you are a legal adult and can do what you think is best.

Here are my 7 Big Rules:

1) Dress Modestly - Cover up! No tight jeans, mini-skirts or too much skin exposure. Be judged on your personality/character and not on your exposed skin. Your developed character will last a lifetime - your skin will eventually sag - and then what?

2) No make-up until you're 18, and even then go light - accentuate but don't over do it!

3) Don't do sexual dances. Twerking leaves nothing to the imagination and any decent guy with class will be turned off. Twerking objectifies - does not empower like uneducated famous women like Beyonce put forward. Exploiting Sexual power is risky for all the reasons mentioned in this letter. When you are older - Men are generally physically stronger and dangerous - especially when drunk. If you play with fire you will get burned. This is the ugly reality - deal with it and change your behavior accordingly to avoid the worse case scenario - rape.

4) No drinking till you're 21. And when you do go to social events/parties - drink only 2 drinks - or if you are a lightweight - just 1 or better yet - none! You do not want to impair your rational decision making ability and put yourself in bad situations with drunk idiots.

5) Always go with a trusted friend to parties/clubs etc - The Buddy System will serve you well all your life!

6) Don't listen to misogynistic negative music that ranks on women or treats them like pieces of meat/objects! Otherwise you are supporting toxic male/female behavior via ignorant popular music. You are what you consume - mentally, physically and spiritually! (Sto-ology)

7) No sex under my roof, and don't have sex until you know a guy is serious and really loves you. If you make a guy wait at least 6 months to a year - he will respect you way more than if you do it right away! And if you are going to have casual sex - carry fresh condoms and always insist that your bed-mates wear them! If he says he can't get it up with a condom - then he is not really into you. When a guy is into a woman - you can hang a towel on his erection never mind a rubber sleeve that will avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancies!

The reason I am getting super strict now is because you are blossoming into a young lady and I want no harm to come to you based on me not being a good Father that informs you of reality - the good, the bad and the ugly.

This is not a punishment and you have done nothing wrong. These rules are based on the behavior of guys - young, dumb hormone driven guys and sadly some older pathetic men who are evil - most likely because they had a bad connection with their Mothers. 

However, I don't want you to live in fear - because as you have heard me preach before - I believe 'most people are good most of the time'. Yet we all have a dark side and it comes out on occasion - usually when men are intoxicated on alcohol.  

You see - men have way more of the hormone testosterone in their bloodstreams than do women. This hormone is what gives men their physical strength as well as their urge to merge - you know what I mean. Paradoxically this same hormone chemical testosterone is why men both fight and desire sex/love. But we all know sex and love are two different things. I know you too will have sexual urges - but you must control yourself! Wait until you are an adult and your hormones settle down and you spend some serious time with a guy. Then you will know who really loves you and are not just after a quick romp in the sack.

Historically - men have treated woman like property. This unjust treatment has only changed in recent history in the Western world and still remains in many other parts of the world where women are still second class citizens. Women still only make 75 cents on the dollar right here in the USA in the 21st century. They only got the right to vote in 1920! 

The Bio-Psycho-Social-Evolutionary field of science is now well established and does give insights to human behaviors. One must remember - so called civilization has only really existed for around 5000 years with its moral and ethical teachings from the great prophets and sages and later philosophers. Before the shift to an agrarian/agricultural society around 10,000 years ago - humans were nomadic and violent hunter gatherers for the other 190,000 years of their existence on earth and another 2 million more before that if you include all the previous related hominin branches.

Yes - we are evolving but slowly - both physically and unfortunately - mentally. Granted we have made great strides in science in just the last 100 years but as far as our moral character - we still lie, cheat, steal, rape and kill each other every day. We have a long ways to go. One of the culprits is testosterone on men's behavior in particular. This chemical makes men nuts and do evil stuff. It also propagates the species but maybe even this is not such a good thing anymore with 7+ billion humans on the earth who all want to live unsustainable lifestyles. Maybe figuring out how to curb testosterone in men's systems will help humanity jump to the next higher level of peaceful consciousness and lower the out of control population rate. 

But until testosterone dissipates in men naturally or unnaturally - which may be a long time if the regularity of war to solve disputes and the mega popularity of violent sports like Football and IFC are any indication - we Fathers must protect our daughters from harm. Harm in the form of rape and or physical abuse - which according to statistics happen every few minutes in America. This means many men are engaging in these unacceptable, primitive and violent behaviors against women.

Most guys are fine until they drink too much alcohol. Young men in particular become nuts because their hormones are raging and their brains are still developing. Young men are very impulsive - especially under the influence of any alcohol and or drugs. Alcohol brings out ancient violent urges in men and even some women. More so say than marijuana which usually mellows people out taken by itself. But as the weed gets too strong this may change.

We are always hearing about rape on college campuses - where young people - finally being free of parental rules - go over board and drink way too much alcohol. This then leads to horrible scenarios of drunk young men raping drunk young women. Then the women have emotional scars/damage and guy trust issues for the rest of their lives - and rightly so.

Therefore - Knowing that testosterone fueled violence and drinking alcohol is an intricate part of our culture (Perpetual War & Popularity of violent sports - Football - IFC etc) and is not going to change anytime soon - what can young women do right now to avoid these horrendous Rape and Physical Abuse scenarios? (see big 7 above)

Finally my dearest daughter - I am sorry the world is like this and I must be so strict - but we are still evolving as a civilized species and unfortunately still have a ways to go - so in the mean time you must follow my rules until you are 18 and a legal adult. God Bless you my child and I pray you never have this evil thing called rape happen to you and it most likely will not if you just use common sense and logic to dictate your behavior out there in the real world.

Always Love You,


Keith Richards: Under the Influence - Trailer - A Netflix Documentary [HD]

Sunday, August 30, 2015


The Most Powerful 10 Minutes Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix You Will Ever See

I Forgot My Phone

Huge Anecdotal Evidence is Empirical Science!

I am writing this blog because I am fed up with the rejection of huge anecdotal evidence of whatever subject matter by orthodox, skeptical, secular scientists. They do not accept any hypothesis or concept  until tested in a sanitized academic lab environment. They claim it is the only way to eliminate all confounding variables and truly test any hypothesis and its merit. Yet many supposedly valid studies have surprisingly small sample sizes and are often accepted in government trials after failing the first and second times! Many are accepted as fact in prestigious journals with no replication! Another valid concern is who sponsors the studies and what is the motivation? These are important things to consider when you read or hear about the results of some groundbreaking new toxic medicine created and synthesized artificially in an unnaturally sterile lab.

However, anyone who has studied science and the scientific method knows that it is impossible to eliminate all confounding variables in even the best and most clever of experiments. We do not live in a vacuum and the interconnected universe and environment in which we do live is super complex and way beyond our current comprehension. 

Granted, the developed lab experiment method has worked wonders and deserves great respect for its many accomplishments. But there is an arrogance that has crept into the academic scientific establishment. An absolutism that rejects any anecdotal evidence - even if it numbers in the millions of cases! This unhealthy, extreme skepticism applies to many of as of yet untested (in the Western sense) Eastern Chinese Medicines, with proven herbal treatments for minor chronic ailments. Western doctors are just getting on the Eastern bandwagon after recent Western style lab studies have proven the benefits of these ancient herbal remedies. 

Additionally, Meditation and the mind-body connection was stubbornly rejected by main stream Western Medical Academia for decades and again - only in the last 10-15 years is finally accepting it as a cure for mild mental disorders as well as other cardiovascular heart health related issues. Something that gurus in India already knew thousands of years ago - based on generations of 'anecdotal' experience/proofs.

These anecdotal proofs of health concepts/remedy phenomena that make a positive outcome most likely to occur number in the millions of human cases over many millennia. Remedies mentioned before such as Chinese herbal remedies, Meditation for health, and Native American and Amazonian herbal knowledge for different types of ailments. Even non-toxic solutions like baking soda and vinegar for fending off sickness, indigestion, as well as cleaning pots and pans! These are just a few big time anecdotal scenarios and there are plenty of other valid folk remedies - all from nature - all over the world.

Other phenomena that also have huge anecdotal numbers in the millions are Near Death Experiences (NRD), where people report a very similar experience of a colorful tunnel/bridge vision with some type of religious or family figure telling them to go back because it is not their time to die yet - type of scenario. Another highly controversial subject matter is UFO/Alien encounters. Millions have been reported all over the world since actual records have been kept - last 70 years basically. People reporting UFO sightings are not just your weird neighbors. They are your doctors, judges, Air Force and other respected military personnel and healthy upright citizenry - all over the world!

When does anecdotal evidence ring true? I think once it passes several thousand reported and substantiated cases - it becomes pretty solid empirical evidence.  This is way more than the typical sample size in most cited lab type studies, which usually only number from 50-150 participants - or less!

Let me use a more recent phenomenon to illustrate my point. The use of toxic-free Diatomaceous Earth for multiple uses including as a pesticide, and for food poisoning/bad bacteria/unhealthy gut micro-biome in farm animals and humans alike. Diatoms are micro-sized, silica based, shelled algae creatures that died and dried up in the sun over millions of years and have been used for the previously mentioned scenarios for generations now. 

Diatoms are micro-sized, yet sharp and can cut into small bugs under guts rendering them dead. It can do the same to bad bacteria in the gut/intestines, and has been used by many farmers around their crops as pesticides, and fed to their sick animals as a cure for bad gut bacterial infections - for generations! More recently they have been used as an alternative to highly toxic pesticides in the elimination/battle against evil bed bugs in cities around the world.

Yet the orthodox academic realm has not accepted these anecdotal stories that now number in the many thousands, if one does just a little bit of research on the internet. The reason science has not investigated this phenomena is because there is no long term profit/monetary $ gain, which as any educated, honest and aware person of how the world of science works, will admit is the main driving force of most scientific studies. War, profits, and gaining of resources have been the fundamental drivers/funding of science historically.

In conclusion, one must consider how untrustworthy profit-based science and all multi-national corporations have proved to be in recent times and therefore be skeptical of the corporate puppet skeptics and trolls who make their living spreading false information on many subjects. Subjects/phenomena that have huge anecdotal evidence on their side to support them should be taken seriously and considered a form of empirical, democratic, in the field scientific evidence. Be aware! Do your research! Don't believe the hype - it's a sequel!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Beautifully Illustrated Eastern Wisdom

Chomsky on Socialism - Russia was Not a Socialist Country

Trailer - Golden Rule: The Investment Theory of Politics

How The Elite Stay In Power

Class Dismissed - How Television Shapes our View of the Working Class

USA - 239 Years Old - The Democratic Experiment is on the Brink! New Revolution Necessary...

Not So Happy 4th of July 2015 - Keeping it Real Folks!

These words from the Declaration of Independence ring true today! A new revolution (peaceful but aggressive as in civil disobedience) is necessary today to overthrow the multinational corporations that are taking over our country and the planet and destroying it/us with their insane blind greed!

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

Contemporary 21st Century Facts for a new Revolution...

1) The Insane Continuation of MultiNational Corporations forcing the use of dirty Co2 emitting Fossil fuels as the main source of world energy in spite of the facts that it is leading catastrophic ice cap melting/sea level rising - extreme weather patterns and tons of toxic petrol products that cause a myriad of cancers and other ailments. This is also in spite of the clean affordable alternatives available for decades.

2) The Non-Taxation of the Rich via tax breaks and an historically irresponsibly low Capital gains tax of 15% (27% during Reagen Admin)- in spite of 2 unpaid wars for oil (see previous grievance), 16 trillion dollar national debt (majority from longest wars in history) and neglect of the crumbling, necessary infrastructure of America where the corporations/1% all made their fortunes.

3) The Continued internal and external blocking and resistance by the rich 1% - of fixing our Democracy to a more Representative 99% model - from its current plutocracy status-quo where the super expensive $ election cycles are paid for by the rich 1% to insure their corporate profit based agendas regardless of the costs to all humanity - via puppet politicians with no integrity vying for high paying lobbying jobs post congress exit - in the revolving door aka DC politics as usual - for far too long!

4) The Perpetual War Machine (1984) via the Military Industrial Complex Corporations that profits in the many $billions, which WWII leader of the Allied Command, 5 star General, President Eisenhower warned the citizens of America about upon his exit in 1961. Historically every great empire has gone down the tubes because of the exact same over reach in world conquests and greed - and why anyone thinks we will be any different is the definition of insanity - repeating the same foolishness and expecting a different outcome.

5) The The continued blocking by the rich 1% of our society toward a more Socialist model such as all the rest of industrialized countries in the world enjoy and prosper from in the form of higher measured life satisfaction studies - for decades!

These are the first 5 that are the most important and by fixing them - will create millions of much needed jobs and free up resources for many other issues that need to be dealt with sooner than later - or else the American experiment in Democracy will disintegrate into chaos - and it will not be pretty - USA has a very violent history. Do your homework and see for yourself.

Speak out - let your voices be heard - get involved and organize before it is too late! Democracy is like a muscle - if you do not use it - you lose it!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Menial Labor is Important and Not Menial! #WorkersoftheWorldUnite #15$PerHour

When I was young, growing up in the New England section  of America, we were taught to respect all work including so called menial or physical type labor, because it is necessary for the over all smooth running of any civilization and therefore should be respected as much as any other job on the economic ladder.

Unfortunately, there has been a erosion of respect for the working class in general in America and it seems so in Europe as well. There are a myriad of reasons, but a few of the biggest I can think of off the top of my head would be the mass media brainwashing with hyper class based materialism as its core driving mechanism.

'Growth by any means necessary' Capitalism is run by the the stinking, filthy rich (.01%) Billionaires who are treated like Rock Stars on the cover of magazines, regardless of the fact that they are the world's greediest human beings that sit on the Golden Eggs until they rot -  and us by proxy.

Rich, no talent celebrities like Paris Hilton in the early 2000s or reigning so called 'reality TV' queen Kim Kardashian  have set bad role model examples, leading seemingly glamorous, but more superficial, empty and decadent life styles.

Another possibility is Bourgeois conservative puppet politicians and some so called liberal (ignorant) celebrities demeaning comments and popular films and TV shows that cast a disrespectful shadow over the working class, which represents billions of human beings.

It could be a reactionary panic/defence mechanism of denial via the upper classes ignoring a huge negative reality - millions still out of work still with a 5.4 unemployment level (5/8/15), which is better than where it was at its lowest in a century in 2009 at around 10%, and double and triple that for people of color.  This ignoring of this elephant in the room of the now more false than true American dream myth is all propagated by the mass media upper class hegemony. The corporate execs salaries bottom lines $$$ depend on a big portfolio of stocks of booming corporations that more often than not  - do not have the best interest of the country or the planet's long term health. This is another blog/book deep subject I will avoid here.

Finally whatever the punk-ass reasons that folks in the upper middle (petty bourgeoisie) class and especially most of the mega rich .01% have for keeping this issue on the down low, they are obviously laughing at us all the way to the bank with their dirty, tax evasion fortunes stockpiled in The Caymen Islands and Switzerland etc.

The real deal is that if the firemen, garbage men, police, construction workers, machine shop tool operator, street cleaners, grocery people, restaurant, domestic, fast food etc etc - did not do there jobs and work there asses off, like everyone on every peg of the economic ladder in energy terms - then civilization would fall apart.

Have you ever experienced a hot city Summer where the garbage was not picked up for a couple weeks? Stinky, Disease breeding negative scenarios and all that goes with that in a city of millions at close quarters is a nightmare that could easily happen if the garbagemen did not do what they do everyday.

The working class deserve not only respect but a decent living wage, benefits and a pension for old age! Not 401K casino magical chairs retirement plans - thank you very much - but no thanks!
Real money in real savings accounts with the best possible interest plans!

Yes - respect the 'meaning-all' (vs menial) labor worker! A positive future for all Americans and the rest of the world depends on a solidarity between all workers - both White and Blue collar and no collar at all! We are all on the same boat working for a tiny handful of rich men and a few women like puppets/servants. Time for a sea change in our entire way of doing business in America.  It must be more equitable for all citizens. Redistribute the vast wealth made off the blood, sweat and tears of the workers labor!

We are either in this together or we will perish together. The choice is ours. What shall it be?

God bless the salt of the earth - the working peoples of the world!


Friday, April 17, 2015

TPP=NAFTA=Giant Sucking Sound - Ross Perot 1992 Presidential Debate.flv

Checkout Ross Perot's (self made billionaire - got 20% of the vote - may be why Bill Clinton won)  prophetic comments during this presidential debate on NAFTA - international trade deals between the North and South American continents back in the early 1990s - everything he said would happen and worse - millions of of manufacturing jobs lost and no environmental or worker rights/oversight - Obama's TTP fast track with East Asia basin is going to be the same deal again - Workers and the environment get screwed! History repeating itself again!

Also Check out this recent intelligent oped piece by editor and chief of The Nation -
Katrina Vanden Huevel

Friday, April 3, 2015

New eBook Release! Sto-etry - Love. Nature. Song - Available on Every Major Online Vendor! Poetry!

I am happy to announce that I have published my second book! This one is recent poetry and some of my best song lyrics from back in the day. The themes are in the subtitle - Love. Nature. Song. I did the book cover painting while living in Rio, Brazil in early 2000s. It's available on all online book vendors worldwide - Amazon, ibooks, B&N, Kobo, Smashwords, etc.! Most provide a sneak peak/free sample to check out.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Post Modern Science - More Harm than Good?

On many of these issues/topics - the general public does have more common sense than do many scientists who consider themselves and their opinions more informed or more intelligent, superior - almost like a new religion of secular priests. Most scientists are specialists in whatever academic field/pursuit they chose. Meaning outside of of their one small aspect/specialty that they have spent many years studying - they know as much or even less than the general public about any given subject. I know this from my own science degree courses in college and grad school, as I was an older student and better read than many young PhD candidate adjuncts that taught science courses. And often the older tenure professors were not up to speed on the latest discoveries in science - resting on their laurels.

Science is a double edge sword - for every good thing it has done for humanity - it has done equally bad things, and at this point in the 21st century, more harm than good. It used to be (100 years ago) that if some irresponsible humans did stupid deadly things - it would only harm them and the unfortunates that lived close to them. Now in the post modern world - scientists have unleashed huge amounts of all sorts of toxic poisons into the environment and poisoned us all. There is no escape. Whether it be nuclear fall out/waste, 80,000 untested petrol based toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, artificial food preservatives & additives, GMOs, plastics, billions of toxic gadgets polluting landfills, etc etc and on and on - surely these mostly untested molestations of nature are linked to the sky rocketing cancer rates and myriad of new diseases affecting mostly the youth that were unlucky in being born during this time period and weaned on toxic food stuffs and polluted waters with an average of 15 industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals - all of us have these cancerous chemicals flowing in our blood - this does not include all the air and acidic ocean pollution as well.

The Pandora's box was opened long ago and there is no turning back, but surely we can have better longitudinal studies on health effects of whatever toxic product is introduced into the free market, and surely we need more government oversight of all the irresponsible scientists/major labs around the world that figure things out - like how to transmit plagues and then put that data/information into the public media for all to see. Zero common sense and are these discoveries really beneficial? More ethics courses should be mandatory for all science students in higher education, because based on how messed up the world has become in a relatively short time - scientists and the evil corporations that direct them like puppets on strings (sound familiar?) need to be reeled in before some dramatic and horrible event happens to not just humans, but the entire planet of living entities.

Wake up and smell the toxic sludge! It's all around you and inside of you waiting to metastasize! Thanks irresponsible myopic scientists.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Some Great News! Links to Help with Blahs...

Here we are in the middle of Winter with all the blahs that go with this time of year. So much bad news pumped down our collective throats all the time via the creepy mass media machine. Why? They say good news does not sell - but how would they know unless they actually tried doing it? I think something more sinister is going on. Corporations love to keep us all living in fear - great for their huge stock portfolios that only make money when we are hooked on escapist entertainment, drugs and engaged in wars.

Anyways - this blog is meant to make you feel better! Check out these news articles about the US and other countries crime rates (all) steadily going down for the last 40 years! Social scientists are at a loss to explain it, or cannot agree - especially if one considers the weak economy for the last few years. I would like to think it is because humans are evolving to a higher consciousness level.

Another great recent event was the US and China committing to do something about slowing Global Warming! These 2 countries are the 2 biggest polluters and have been the only countries not to ever sign any binding agreements at past Climate Conferences.

And finally articles about how solar and wind energy are doubling in the US now every year and Northern Europe is on its way to a total clean energy reality! No more dirty, dangerous energies!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hans Rosling's - The Joy of Stats - Intelligent & Cuddily Professor from Sweden offers Hope for the Future

I discovered this very intelligent and excellent Professor from Sweden 
while researching my book - Sto-ology - a few years ago. Enjoy!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Toxic Gadgets! Be Better Consumers! Consume less! Recycle/Reuse More!

The maxim for ecology is that we all live down river from one another - in other words - what ever you throw away over there - I am going to get it over here. Nowadays we pay states and or foreign countries pay us for our toxic garbage/landfill. We consume and toss out 95% of everything we purchase/use within a few months. Most of it is toxic - the products and the packaging etc. Mostly plastics and alloys that give everything cancers of one sort or another.


The Funky Drummers are not Bitter - But I Would Be!

The funky drummers that made the whole world dance and be happy backing James Brown - and the most sampled beats - and got no monetary rewards - and yet still have positive attitudes - no bitterness - amazing. I think a special fund should be created for all the unsung, unpaid heroes of Popular Music. It's a strange world where Wall Street robs Main Street and gets rich - while the creatives that bring pleasure to millions are rarely compensated fairly.