Monday, September 22, 2014

Climate March NYC 9/21/2014 - 400,000+ Folks Assemble to Make a Difference! New Dire Warnings from UN Panel-Wolrd's top Climate Scientitsts - Demand Change!

Here is an update link - the UN Panel about catastrophic changes coming - yet still small time window to make a difference - everyone must do something - organize groups, protests, voting, petitions and civil disobedience when necessary! Do something NOW! Or eles the future looks bleak.

I was there and it was awesome! Really nice energy. I met lots of interesting, caring people from all walks of life, from all over the country and the world. The turnout was fantastic - more than triple the estimate at around 400,000! Now it's up to the leaders at the UN Climate Conference to do something - as in action now! The US and China are notorious for not signing any binding agreements. Please let your reps in congress know you are fed up with the status-quo of inaction. Demand change for a better future - free of fossil fuels! Green Energy equals less Co2 emissions and much needed good paying jobs for Americans! Let's do this!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Glad to see so many people who care.
