Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cambridge Professor R. Sheldrake's Banned Ted Talk on the Disinigrating paradigm of Materilistic Determinism - The Science Delusion

This banned Ted Talk featuring Cambridge Professor Rupert Sheldrake, famous for his concept of Morphic Resonance - sums up a growing discontent amongst many brilliant thinkers about the limited, contradictory, and illogical thought constructs of the dominant paradigm in secular scientific circles of material determinism.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Climate March NYC 9/21/2014 - 400,000+ Folks Assemble to Make a Difference! New Dire Warnings from UN Panel-Wolrd's top Climate Scientitsts - Demand Change!

Here is an update link - the UN Panel about catastrophic changes coming - yet still small time window to make a difference - everyone must do something - organize groups, protests, voting, petitions and civil disobedience when necessary! Do something NOW! Or eles the future looks bleak.


I was there and it was awesome! Really nice energy. I met lots of interesting, caring people from all walks of life, from all over the country and the world. The turnout was fantastic - more than triple the estimate at around 400,000! Now it's up to the leaders at the UN Climate Conference to do something - as in action now! The US and China are notorious for not signing any binding agreements. Please let your reps in congress know you are fed up with the status-quo of inaction. Demand change for a better future - free of fossil fuels! Green Energy equals less Co2 emissions and much needed good paying jobs for Americans! Let's do this!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Kleiber's Law - More proof for Intelligent Design!

All God's creatures share the same metabolic rate based on their mass. This is called Kleiber's Law - named after Swiss guy who discovered it in the 1930s. From cells to fruit flies to mice to humans to blue whales! Cosmic! More proof of intelligent design. It ties directly into how many heartbeats all creatures have in a lifetime on average - 1 billion! This despite heart beat speed differences and life spans!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Twerking - Empowering or Objectifying?

Twerking has been around for a while - years now. Many Americans who live in the suburbs or rural areas, or do not see what their kids are watching on youtube may not have known what twerking was until young, white Miley Cirus caused an uproar at the 2013 Mtv Music awards bending over in front of one hit wonder Robin Thicke.

Fast Forward to Mtv awards 2014 - basically a big booty review starring Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azelea and the queen of hyper-sexuality performance Beyonce. It was all total spectacle Broadway cheese - meets strip joint performances, with plenty of leg spreading and butt twerking, and horrible, forgettable music. Probably why they need to bend over so much to cover up this reality.

Beyonce even posted a big lit-up feminism sign behind her with a female voice justifying using sexuality as a power tool because men have done it - so why not? Well two wrongs do not make something right. I never liked it when Michael Jackson grabbed his crotch and if you watch his last performances before he died - he hardly did it at all compared to when he was young and maybe using poor judgement as a performer. I love Michael Jackson's music and performances but nothing would have been sacrificed artistically by his not grabbing his crotch. Surely his doing it was a reaction to people around him controlling or trying to control him and his career - all his life growing up in the spotlight. Bottom line - not necessary and bad influence on young people.

Are these women with their hyper-sexual performing, with dental floss bikinis going up their butts and provocative videos with millions of hits a good influence on young women and girls? Is this feminism or objectifying women?

Using sexuality as power is a dangerous thing. There has been a huge rise in STDs and unwanted pregnancies over the last 20 years, with little if any sexual education in public schools and the onslaught of urban twerk/hump dancing which leaves nothing to the imagination. For God sakes the next step is actually just doing it on the dance floor. The historical reasons that have led up to this point are complex and I shall not share my ideas on this blog - at this time.

We need to have a dialog because this is not healthy empowerment of females or a good influence on young males. When A young person - female or male sees this type of twerking dance, with half naked women singing about material crap - it cannot be properly assimilated into their young, ignorant, hormone-driven brains, which have a tendency toward impulsive ill behaviors that are later regretted (unsafe sex=STDs/pregnancies) and negatively influence guys toward acts of violence against women (rape etc). Yes - this is the reality that you will not see on Mtv.

These popular female performers such as Beyonce and especially Nicki Minaj who has little if any discernible talent other than bending over or spreading her legs - are a bad influence on young people - women in particular. Hopefully it is just an unhealthy trend and will die a quick death - so maybe music will get back to music as the main focus. After all, Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston never had to get on all fours - why? Because they had real class and real talent.

I have attached a very intelligent rap called Mu-sick from a young urban woman who tells it like it is when it comes to the contemporary so called pop music scene.