Sunday, August 27, 2017
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Reaction to #CharlieRose Interview with World's 2 Richest Men - #BillGates & #WarrenBuffet - Interview with Bill Gates & Warren Buffet
I have watched Mr Rose on and off for 20+ years now. After last night's typical fluff interview with two of the richest men in the world - I will take another long if permanent break. Charlie has the gift of gab but has always shied away from the real deal questions - always on the surface and polite and never digs deep for the truth. Most likely a combo of his polite southern gentlemen roots and the fact that he is a millionaire now and wants to keep it that way. It's also a generational thing. He, like his two .01% rich guests are just plain out of touch with around 85% of We the People of the USA who are just a couple of paychecks from poverty and are not doing as well as our parents who lived during a golden age of American history post WW II when incomes and the cost of living were in some kind of balance. This all started to end in the 1980s when President Ronald Reagan and Treasure Secretary Donald Regan (weird name correlation) sold out our country to the corporations of which Buffet and Gates have benefited greatly as in the lowest and irresponsible (during 2 of longest wars put on our deficit to the tune of 6 trillion) capital gains tax of 15% as compared to 1950s last decent Republican President Eisenhower's 90% - to become the richest men in the planet based on stock market monopoly money speculation. Firstly - God bless them both for their great philanthropic work around the world - although I worry about Gates and testing corporations taking over our school systems which is happening. Whereas Gates was unapologetic about his ridiculous wealth - At least Buffet still seems to have a little empathy for the average worker in his opinions on fair taxes and some kind of government income for displaced workers that are part of the "roadkill" of world trade and old and unable to learn new skills - and at least acknowledged the insane income discrepancies between the top 1% an the rest of us. One very important issue where these men are totally out of touch with reality is the unsustainable nature of the GDP growth index used as a religious measurement of economic health. It is actually quite the opposite - where the growth by any means necessary international trade and GDPs are what is destroying the planet's environment and is only truly enjoyed by the top 1% who reap all the reward off the blood, sweat and tears = labor of the majority of humans on the planet who are all sick and tired of being sick and tired while the 1% rakes in the profits and has quadrupled their wealth over the last 40 years - again, since the corporate take over of America. What good is all this wealth anyway if the water and air is all poisoned and everyone is getting cancer? When Buffet was content with promoting 2% GDP growth and clueless Mr Rose was pushing for 3-4% - Buffet said - this 2% will be plenty and "more stuff" to be made and sold - as if more stuff is what humans need - especially in the west where we already have too much stuff and 90% of it ends up in toxic landfills - like all the planned obsolescence gadgets that need to be replaced every few years - that of course is never brought up by Rose to one of the biggest polluters in the world - Gates with his Microsoft software in every PC on the planet. These are real deal issues that can no longer be ignored by the older generation that thinks more stuff is going to solve all our problems when in reality making more unnecessary and often distracting stuff - and all the toxic resources involved, is one of the biggest problems/issues facing humanity in the 21st century. As far as truth seeking journalists - I will stick to Amy Goodman on - and put corporate CBS sellout Charlie Rose on the shelf again - for good. God bless this human made mess!
I have watched Mr Rose on and off for 20+ years now. After last night's typical fluff interview with two of the richest men in the world - I will take another long if permanent break. Charlie has the gift of gab but has always shied away from the real deal questions - always on the surface and polite and never digs deep for the truth. Most likely a combo of his polite southern gentlemen roots and the fact that he is a millionaire now and wants to keep it that way. It's also a generational thing. He, like his two .01% rich guests are just plain out of touch with around 85% of We the People of the USA who are just a couple of paychecks from poverty and are not doing as well as our parents who lived during a golden age of American history post WW II when incomes and the cost of living were in some kind of balance. This all started to end in the 1980s when President Ronald Reagan and Treasure Secretary Donald Regan (weird name correlation) sold out our country to the corporations of which Buffet and Gates have benefited greatly as in the lowest and irresponsible (during 2 of longest wars put on our deficit to the tune of 6 trillion) capital gains tax of 15% as compared to 1950s last decent Republican President Eisenhower's 90% - to become the richest men in the planet based on stock market monopoly money speculation. Firstly - God bless them both for their great philanthropic work around the world - although I worry about Gates and testing corporations taking over our school systems which is happening. Whereas Gates was unapologetic about his ridiculous wealth - At least Buffet still seems to have a little empathy for the average worker in his opinions on fair taxes and some kind of government income for displaced workers that are part of the "roadkill" of world trade and old and unable to learn new skills - and at least acknowledged the insane income discrepancies between the top 1% an the rest of us. One very important issue where these men are totally out of touch with reality is the unsustainable nature of the GDP growth index used as a religious measurement of economic health. It is actually quite the opposite - where the growth by any means necessary international trade and GDPs are what is destroying the planet's environment and is only truly enjoyed by the top 1% who reap all the reward off the blood, sweat and tears = labor of the majority of humans on the planet who are all sick and tired of being sick and tired while the 1% rakes in the profits and has quadrupled their wealth over the last 40 years - again, since the corporate take over of America. What good is all this wealth anyway if the water and air is all poisoned and everyone is getting cancer? When Buffet was content with promoting 2% GDP growth and clueless Mr Rose was pushing for 3-4% - Buffet said - this 2% will be plenty and "more stuff" to be made and sold - as if more stuff is what humans need - especially in the west where we already have too much stuff and 90% of it ends up in toxic landfills - like all the planned obsolescence gadgets that need to be replaced every few years - that of course is never brought up by Rose to one of the biggest polluters in the world - Gates with his Microsoft software in every PC on the planet. These are real deal issues that can no longer be ignored by the older generation that thinks more stuff is going to solve all our problems when in reality making more unnecessary and often distracting stuff - and all the toxic resources involved, is one of the biggest problems/issues facing humanity in the 21st century. As far as truth seeking journalists - I will stick to Amy Goodman on - and put corporate CBS sellout Charlie Rose on the shelf again - for good. God bless this human made mess!
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Friday, August 11, 2017
Crazy Times in the #USA! #Impeach #Trump before it too Late!
Like the actual real majority of Americans, I was freaked out by Trump becoming our president. Living in NYC for half my life - we New Yorker's knew how stupid and nasty he was from his many write ups in the local NYC newspapers for his shady business dealings, multiple bankruptcies and his many gold digger girlfriends, wives and children from all over the world.
The rest of America however, only knew him from his crappy, but highly rated reality show The Apprentice - mostly for his famous "You're Fired" meme at the end of every show, which was said with his own weird and annoying New York accent.
He fooled millions with his promises to clear out the swamp in DC - when he actually filled it up more than ever with Wall Street insiders and pro-fossil fuel climate change deniers. He hired Rex Tillerson - ex-CEO of Exxon - the biggest Oil corporation in the world that is under investigation by NY state Attorney General for covering up the fact that their own scientists knew that global warming was happening and would cause major damage world wide all the way back in 1979! His whole cabinet are morons who suck butt to the major evil corporations destroying our world like fossil fuels (oil & coal), Big Pharma and chemical giants like Monsanto, Dow & Dupont.
Trump is a pathological liar and full on narcissistic sociopath. He is not a billionaire and he has creepy business dealings with Russian oligarch banksters - which is why he is now in deep shit for possible collusion during the presidential election and will most likely be impeached or he will resign like Nixon did 40 years ago.
I thought GW Bush was the worst president ever but he was not even as bad and dangerous as this idiot is. Trump is very immature and impulsive - like a child and this latest escalation with North Korea is a classic tactic to distract from his own demise as President based on the ongoing multiple investigations about his possible collusion with Putin and Russia in rigging the election in his favor via the internet/cyber espionage. There is a lot of smoke and only a matter of time before Special Investigator and ex FBI head Muller exposes the fire and brings the truth to light. Hopefully sooner than later as millions of us are concerned about a nuclear war scenario/nightmare where he takes down all of us with him based on the fact that he now realizes that he may go to prison for being a traitor to our country and Democratic system.
His diehard Republican constituents are sticking by him in spite of all the negative evidence coming out on a regular basis for the 6 months since he has occupied the White House. Amazing how desperate these folks seem to back such a inept moron. They are rightly fed up with politicians in general but to choose him as their leader is just ignorant and pathetic. There is a desperation among many conservative whites in America that fear the day when they are no longer the majority and may not always have the white privilege they have benefited from since the founding of this country.
Trump has not kept any of his promises other than total deregulation of corporate industry and has set back our country 50 years of any gains made via pollution laws and regulations. He does not believe climate change is real and he has hired stooges of the oil corporations to run departments like the EPA that are supposed to protect us from the very evil corporate executives that EPA head Scott Pruitt is serving! They are all corporate puppets - more so than ever before! Clear the swamp? Gimme a break!
His whole family are greedy and shifty New York sharks that are 1% wannabees - but ironically enough - they will be billionaires by the time they get kicked out of the White House! The Trumps could care less about our country - all they care about is building their brand and getting richer. This is not so unusual but they are so uneducated and unknowledgeable on all important world subject matters and governing in general - that we the people of America are in big trouble.
Finally - I am no fan of VP Pence but he seems at least not to be insane - somewhat more level headed than Trump - I and millions of other intelligent and aware citizens will be able to sleep a little better at night when Trump is impeached and gone and Pence is sworn in. Or maybe a miracle will happen and the whole presidential election cycle will be declared invalid based on Russian interference and a new election will take place - but this is a long shot but one can dream! The we can get Democratic Socialist Senator Sanders like millions (13+) of us wanted and finally really progress as a nation.
Anyhow, if we can just make it through this crazy time without a nuclear war with North Korea - or whoever until Donald Trump is purged from our democratic checks and balances system - and some semblance of decor and civility returns to our top office - the presidency of the United States of America - I will be thankful to God. God bless this mess!
The rest of America however, only knew him from his crappy, but highly rated reality show The Apprentice - mostly for his famous "You're Fired" meme at the end of every show, which was said with his own weird and annoying New York accent.
He fooled millions with his promises to clear out the swamp in DC - when he actually filled it up more than ever with Wall Street insiders and pro-fossil fuel climate change deniers. He hired Rex Tillerson - ex-CEO of Exxon - the biggest Oil corporation in the world that is under investigation by NY state Attorney General for covering up the fact that their own scientists knew that global warming was happening and would cause major damage world wide all the way back in 1979! His whole cabinet are morons who suck butt to the major evil corporations destroying our world like fossil fuels (oil & coal), Big Pharma and chemical giants like Monsanto, Dow & Dupont.
Trump is a pathological liar and full on narcissistic sociopath. He is not a billionaire and he has creepy business dealings with Russian oligarch banksters - which is why he is now in deep shit for possible collusion during the presidential election and will most likely be impeached or he will resign like Nixon did 40 years ago.
I thought GW Bush was the worst president ever but he was not even as bad and dangerous as this idiot is. Trump is very immature and impulsive - like a child and this latest escalation with North Korea is a classic tactic to distract from his own demise as President based on the ongoing multiple investigations about his possible collusion with Putin and Russia in rigging the election in his favor via the internet/cyber espionage. There is a lot of smoke and only a matter of time before Special Investigator and ex FBI head Muller exposes the fire and brings the truth to light. Hopefully sooner than later as millions of us are concerned about a nuclear war scenario/nightmare where he takes down all of us with him based on the fact that he now realizes that he may go to prison for being a traitor to our country and Democratic system.
His diehard Republican constituents are sticking by him in spite of all the negative evidence coming out on a regular basis for the 6 months since he has occupied the White House. Amazing how desperate these folks seem to back such a inept moron. They are rightly fed up with politicians in general but to choose him as their leader is just ignorant and pathetic. There is a desperation among many conservative whites in America that fear the day when they are no longer the majority and may not always have the white privilege they have benefited from since the founding of this country.
Trump has not kept any of his promises other than total deregulation of corporate industry and has set back our country 50 years of any gains made via pollution laws and regulations. He does not believe climate change is real and he has hired stooges of the oil corporations to run departments like the EPA that are supposed to protect us from the very evil corporate executives that EPA head Scott Pruitt is serving! They are all corporate puppets - more so than ever before! Clear the swamp? Gimme a break!
His whole family are greedy and shifty New York sharks that are 1% wannabees - but ironically enough - they will be billionaires by the time they get kicked out of the White House! The Trumps could care less about our country - all they care about is building their brand and getting richer. This is not so unusual but they are so uneducated and unknowledgeable on all important world subject matters and governing in general - that we the people of America are in big trouble.
Finally - I am no fan of VP Pence but he seems at least not to be insane - somewhat more level headed than Trump - I and millions of other intelligent and aware citizens will be able to sleep a little better at night when Trump is impeached and gone and Pence is sworn in. Or maybe a miracle will happen and the whole presidential election cycle will be declared invalid based on Russian interference and a new election will take place - but this is a long shot but one can dream! The we can get Democratic Socialist Senator Sanders like millions (13+) of us wanted and finally really progress as a nation.
Anyhow, if we can just make it through this crazy time without a nuclear war with North Korea - or whoever until Donald Trump is purged from our democratic checks and balances system - and some semblance of decor and civility returns to our top office - the presidency of the United States of America - I will be thankful to God. God bless this mess!
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